
I find myself working on many projects as my interests and skills evolve and these can all be found on my personal GitHub. This page contains those projects that I work on regularly or I feel are worth sharing and may benefit others.

GitHub - acavella/gorevoke: A fully featured CDP and OCSP responder written in Golang.A fully featured CDP and OCSP responder written in Golang. - GitHub - acavella/gorevoke: A fully featured CDP and OCSP responder written in Golang.GitHubacavella Description GoRevoke is a fully featured Certificate Revocation List (CRL)

GoRevoke is a standalone Certificate Revocation List Distrution Point written in Go, designed to be lightweight and fully self-contained. Using a simple configuration, GoRevoke automates downloading and serving of remote CRLs.

GitHub - acavella/gosecure: A simple utility to easily encrypt and decrypt files written in Golang.
A simple utility to easily encrypt and decrypt files written in Golang. - GitHub - acavella/gosecure: A simple utility to easily encrypt and decrypt files written in Golang.