What is this, a new look?

What is this, a new look?

If you look back through my post history, you'll notice approximately 10 months since my previous post. I don't know about you, but I always have such great intentions for my personal site. In my head I have grand visions of sharing technical insights, how-tos, projects, and sometimes my opinions as these grand long-form posts. However, as reality sets in I found myself with little time left to put together a long form posts.

Future Posts

In an effort to make more regular posts, I am reducing the pressure on myself. Not everything needs to be a traditional long-form post. I'm going to make an attempt to post at least once per week and most of these "regular" posts will simply be short brain dumps, recapping some of the topics of my week (generally technology centric). I still want to complete the occasional long-form post and am going to set an initial goal of four throughout the year. These long-form posts will most likely be documenting some of my homelab projects in detail.

The Look

This website is powered by Jekyll and hosted by Netlify. Previous versions of the website relied on themes I found on the web and then later a semi-custom theme based on Simple CSS by Kev Quirk. This provided me with a fairly customized theme, but I never felt like it was the right fit for me.

After seeing various features I liked on one theme and then some I like on another theme, I realized there just was no one size fits all solution. Now, here is the problem, I'm not a developer. Thankfully for me, pre-built frameworks such as Bootstrap exist for this reason. I am perfectly capable of hacking pieces of Bootstrap together and get a design I am happy with. I introduce you to my custom Jekyll theme based on Bootstrap 5.x, Minimal Affinity. This theme embraces an incredibly minimal and clean aesthetic and as such loads incredibly fast in any browser. As of today the theme is in development and as such only has some of the basic features are complete; the front page, a yearly post archive, automatically cropped/sized thumbnails, header/footer, navigation and frontpage about me. I will continue to develop Minimal Affinity and release it as a stand alone product.